Variant Motif Visualization Tool: vmvt

vmvt is a modern Java (version 11 and above) library for creating SVG plots to represent splice variants. It can be used as a library or as a standalone app.

Quick Example

The following snippet will create a splice donor Sequence Walker (for details, see Sequence walkers).

import org.monarchinitiative.vmvt.core;

VmvtGenerator vmvt = new VmvtGenerator();

// create a Splice Donor sequence logo
String logoSvg = vmvt.getDonorLogoSvg();

// create a sequence walker showing the effects of a variant
final String ref = "AAGGTCAGA";
final String alt = "AAGATCAGA";
String walkerSvg = vmvt.getDonorWalkerSvg(ref,alt);