vmvt command line interfaceΒΆ

vmvt has a core module intended to be used as a programming library as well as a command line interface (in the vmvt-cli module). vmvt currently has five commands, which can be seen using the -h flag.

$ java -jar vmvt-cli/target/vmvt-cli.jar  -h
Usage: vmvt [-hV] [COMMAND]
    Variant-motif visualization tool.
    -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
    -V, --version   Print version information and exit.
    logo, L    Create sequence logo
    ruler, R   Create sequence ruler
    walker, W  Create sequence ruler
    ese, E     Create ESE svg
    delta, D   Create Delta svg

Each of the commands has its own help menu, e.g.,

$ java -jar vmvt-cli/target/vmvt-cli.jar  logo -h
Usage: vmvt logo [-adhV] [-o=<outname>]
Create sequence logo
    -a, --acceptor
    -d, --donor
    -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
    -o, --out=<outname>
    -V, --version         Print version information and exit.